
What Is The Size Of A Standard Crib Quilt?

Nothing gets me wanting to brand a cute make new quilt than someone announcing that they're having a baby! – Seriously, I'chiliad a sucker for those cute, footling, beautiful, helpless wonders!

Becoming a mom is what really got me into quilting in the first place. I wanted to create something that both made me feel artistic AND was useful in our every day lives.

For u.s.a., two kids are enough… so my dearest of making infant quilts lives on through friends and family having more babies!

I've made and then many babe quilts, I've lost count by at present… in all different sizes and shapes.

A chart with the most common baby quilt size. Plus, how to choose what size your quilt should be based on the use. Included are other common quilt sizes!

What is the about useful infant quilt size?

Commencement of all, at that place is no incorrect respond here… merely if you're just here for some standard guidelines, I created this chart for yous.

…Expect, there is no incorrect reply?

What? Only because a crib quilt is normally 36″ 10 52″ does not mean that you lot have to make all of your infant quilts those exact measurements!

I've created square babe quilts, hexagon-shaped quilts and even an adventurous circular 1 on occasion.

The baby quilt size is best left to your interpretation… using your ain judgment and approximations.

A quilt can vary 4″ – eight″ depending on the blueprint you choose.

If y'all are using a pattern for your baby quilt, follow those instructions.

If you are merely winging information technology and planning the quilt as yous go – My personal choice obviously as that is how about of my quilts plow out…

Take a infinitesimal to really figure out how your baby quilt is going to be best used…

  • Do you want it to be a cute crib quilt? (*note that it is not recommended to accept anything inside a babe's crib but the mattress while he/she is sleeping)
  • Do y'all want it to exist a fun playmat for the baby to lay and play on daily?
  • Or mayhap your quilt will exist a large snuggle quilt for baby and momma during those late-night feedings?

This will aid you decide the full general size that you should work towards for your quilt top!

This sweet baby quilt pattern is a FREE download that I designed to be easy fro all levels of quilting! Just look at this sweet flamingo print! Its adorable! Did I mention the FREE pattern? ;) Check it out, download it and save it for later!
The pattern above is chosen Sweet Babe Quilt and it sews up super fast. You can download it for FREE hither.

Here is some other handy chart to continue for even more common quilt sizes.

4 reasons you should never apologize for taking a sewing day. Even 10 minutes can boost your mood, decrease your stress level and leave you feeling energized and better able to handle everything else in your life.

What size should the batting and quilt backing be?

If y'all plan to quilt your baby quilt yourself:

When you baste your baby quilt and do the quilting yourself, plan on making the batting and backing of your quilt a few extra inches larger all the way around for overhang and jerk room.

If you plan on sending your quilt to a long-armer:

A long-armer has slightly different specifications for your quilt. If you would like a long arm quilter to exercise the quilting for you, virtually require an overhang of 4″ (or more) of both the batting and the backing fabric. If yous haven't worked with the long-armer before, double-check with them to make sure y'all can run into their requirements.

What is your favorite baby quilt size to make?

I tend to create more than playmat quilts for babies than the other sizes… what do yous gravitate towards? Practise you have a favorite? Tell me downward beneath in the comments.

Think you're too busy to quilt? The Busy Momma Busy Baby Playmat Pattern is game-changer. Seriously beautiful quilt that comes together fast and easy, all level friendly... and it is a FREE DOWNLOAD. Seriously. You don't want to miss this!


What Is The Size Of A Standard Crib Quilt?,


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